San Antonio Entrepreneurs

You Have an Investment Opportunity. Now what?

You’ve developed a product, or have the plans for a product or have found a niche that needs to be filled in your industry. You may have started the process of defining your business plan – you might even be open for business, and you are looking for investment to take it to the next level.

No matter where you are in the process, connecting with the right people, finding the right resources and tapping the financial investing market are critical steps to growing your business.

Other Regional Resources

SAAN is connected with a wide variety of area businesses who are available (some for a fee) to help new business owners. SAAN doesn’t endorse any one service provider. However, we will provide you with the contact information of those offering the services and/or products your new business requires. A current list of area services will soon be available.

Neutral Facilitator – We’ll Tell It Like It Is

Your time and money are valuable. You are excited about your concept, but is it enough to build a business?

SAAN will provide you with candid answers. We’ll offer an objective evaluation that includes the good, the bad and the ugly. Is it time to quit your day job? We’ll help you determine the answer.

SAAN’s purpose is to help you be successful. That may mean staying in your current job and more fully developing your concept before you approach Angel Investors.

SAAN is compiling an ever-growing list of organizations, resources, and websites available to offer advice and guidance to new business owners. Your business needs will change as your company grows. In progress is the Entrepreneurial Resource Chart which will lead you to the organizations and websites available to help you no matter where you are on the path to success.

Angel Investors

How can an Angel Investor help my business? Your business requires funding of between one half a million and two million dollars; not enough for a Venture Capital company but too much for a home equity line. An individual Angel Investor may only invest $25,000 in your idea, but several Investors combining their funds may be able to meet your capital needs and also provide a wealth of experience and knowledge as you grow your business.

How Can Angels Help?

San Antonio Angels Network is a regional network connecting market-driving, technology-based Entrepreneurs with Investors in the Central Texas area. If your Business Plan Summary is selected to enter the process, San Antonio Angels Network will assign a business sponsor who will help organize your material, refine your Business Plan Summary and prepare you to present to the Deal Flow committee.

What do I need to provide?

Entrepreneurs interested in having SAAN review their business idea must submit a 2-3 Page Business Plan Summary. This summary should be a 10,000 feet view of your business idea, which contains information about:

  • Product
  • Value proposition
  • Target market size
  • Expected percentage of market share
  • Management team
  • Investment repayment plan
    • Buy-out
    • Initial Public Offering (IPO)
    • Sell company

I’ve been accepted, now what?

San Antonio Angels Network will provide you with a sponsor who will work one-on-one with you to help you:

  • Refine your Business Plan Summary
  • Prepare for your presentation
  • Organize your presentation materials

Why wasn’t my business plan selected?

Of the hundreds of business plans submitted, only 3-4 are selected each quarter. Your plan may not be selected for a few reasons:

  • This is a competitive process; we chose only the best in each review round
  • Not a technology-based business idea, product or service
  • Not fully developed – consider revising and resubmitting next quarter
  • Business Plan summary doesn’t adequately define how investors will receive a return on their investment in 3-5 years
  • Tough questions left unanswered:
    • The value proposition of the business
    • How much money you’ll need
    • What you intend to do with the money
    • Clearly defined the market size
    • Exit strategy

If your business idea has merit but just isn’t a fit for San Antonio Angels Network, our advisors may submit your Business Plan Summary to our contacts where another Angel Fund organization may select your plan for further development.